
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Model Gallery: Fenris

Whew, what a month for Team Waynedale!  Between international globetrotting, surprise moves, newborn humans, genocidal campaigns against mice, and leaving for priest school, the world’s been pulling the team in different directions.  As summer draws to a close, though, TW is hoping the foot can come off the throttle a bit and return us to a somewhat normal posting schedule.  Thanks to anyone reading this for hanging in there with us!

Earlier this summer, I went through the horrendously long and not-too-cheap process of assembling all of my loose minis, getting them stored in foam and stacked into bins for easy storage instead of being sprawled all over my garage.  Once this was done and my workstation cleaned up, I was itching to start painting something.  I had been working on the Heldrake and Chaos Terminators for some time, but I wanted to try my hand at getting one of my Khador models painted.  Naturally, I went all-in with one of the most awesome models in the range:  Fenris, the Doom Reaver Dragoon with not one but TWO crazy-swords.  Unfortunately, the model would end up giving me a few more headaches than I bargained for.

For starters, painting Privateer Pewter is a little bit of a different animal than Citadel’s plastic kits.  It’s been fashionable to throw a lot of shade at GW lately (justifiably so, at least in most cases), but make no mistake, their plastic kits lately have been killer.

Case in point…

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Let's Paint! with Valus: Convergence Optifex (Part 1: basics and basecoats)

Man, how long has it been since I've posted in my own blog?  At this point most bloggers would apologize for being behind on posting due to real life, but forget that.  There's no point in making excuses to the tens of people (ha!) that have been left hanging in my absence, but I will thank Andy and Popculture for towing the line while I was out.  Seeing what the kids are doing with these new-fangled video games is pretty awesome, and the Trollblood and Cygnar updates are awesome as well.

Pretty much me and video games

But now it's time to break my posting dry spell, and the real question is what should we do to mark the occasion?  Well, if you are any good at reading titles, you'll know that this is my first paining post!