
Monday, January 26, 2015

40k Kill Team: Fire Warriors complete

You may not have guessed, but TW used to be big on Warhammer 40k.  Most of us had pretty impressive armies.  Nowadays they just take up space on the shelf, neglected as the Games Workshop community.

Still, I have a fondness for my Tau army as it was my first entry into the wargaming hobby.  Every so often I think of revisiting those models to finish a team, touch up a model, or list build on a larger scale.  In today's post I do just that, and get back to work on the Greater Good.

I've been looking through my 40k supplements and rediscovered Kill Teams.  It's a scaled down version of the usual mass battles.  Players make 200 point lists (the usual is 1500) with reduced options (1 Elites, 1 Troops, 1 Fast Attack slot).  The flavor of the rules invokes covert operations with small, elite warriors.  It's a great alternative for if you want to play 40k, but may not have the time to do so.

With a Tau Kill Team, you don't have a lot of options.  You only have two choices in the Elites (XV-8 & XV-25) and Troops (Fire Warriors & Kroot), with a lot of competition in the Fast Attack (Pathfinders, Vespid, and Piranhas).  There's not a lot of room for upgrades, so most troops will have basic equipment, which is okay because of the extra rules in the Kill Team game.

A central part my Tau Kill Team is a basic squad of Fire Warriors.  Lacey and I have been painting these guys for about a week and just finished them.
This is the Shas'ui, the leader of the squad.

His outstretched arm is actually a conversion.
It's one of the first I've done and I'm pretty happy with it.
I'm also happy with the lens effects on my Fire Warriors.
Another first, and it really makes the model pop!

The squad symbol came from Lacey.

Here's the whole team.  What you don't see is that their armaments are magnetized.
Each Fire Warrior can wield either a Carbine or Rifle as needed.
It was a ton of fun to work on these models with Lacey, who provided a lot of good input.  She enjoyed it so much that she told me she never wanted to start another unit again... well it was fun while it lasted!

Fortunately, the low model count in Kill teams means that I don't have much left to do.
Not including the objective markers, my model count comes to 10.
Not half bad!
I'll eventually get around to those models.  My Great Machine force is almost done as well, with about ten models left to go.  Now for Axis' Sustained Attack force, that's another story.

Currently wasting time by

Listening: Perturbator

Painting: Just wrapped up Fire Warriors; thinking the Monitor needs some TLC

Playing: Castle Crashers

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