
Thursday, January 29, 2015


So this will probably be one of the last additions to the swans for awhile.... But what an addition he is.

Monday, January 26, 2015

40k Kill Team: Fire Warriors complete

You may not have guessed, but TW used to be big on Warhammer 40k.  Most of us had pretty impressive armies.  Nowadays they just take up space on the shelf, neglected as the Games Workshop community.

Still, I have a fondness for my Tau army as it was my first entry into the wargaming hobby.  Every so often I think of revisiting those models to finish a team, touch up a model, or list build on a larger scale.  In today's post I do just that, and get back to work on the Greater Good.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

New Warmachine campaign: Defenders of Rhul (Battle previews)

Valus here with an update on the campaign I've been writing for the team.  I have got the premise ironed out and the central mechanic of the campaign is taking shape.  At first I thought about making this a map campaign, but I thought against it when the rules weren't coming easy.  This first draft is a narrative campaign with a random mission generator and upgrade system.  Today I'm previewing the six random battles you'll find in the campaign.  You can find the details after the jump.
"Yep, right over there; I see them now!"

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Another eBay Sale!

The title says it all, folks: I've gathered a large portion of my unused miniatures and I'm auctioning them off on eBay.  You can check out all of the items on my eBay profile page.

Most of the items in this lot are Tau sprues and used models, but there are a few other items up for sale as well.  I have an extra Syntherion (unassembled) up for sale as well as a three painted Reaper Bones minis that are ready for the tabletop.

If you have any questions about the items feel free to send me a message on eBay.  Happy shopping!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New terrain completed

Happy new year everyone!  We're back form break here at TWG and we're starting the new year off strong.  Well, at least I am; can't speak for the rest of these slackers!  Today I'm showing off the completed terrain from last post.  For this project I had surprise help from my girlfriend, and her input really helped in making these pieces work.  See for yourself:

More after the break!