
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Hordes on the Horizon: Legion of Everblight

The Convergence isn't the only faction I'm playing at the upcoming TWG wargaming weekend.  In addition to the Great Machine, my Legion of Everblight forces are getting some action for the first time.  To herald this event, here's a list with none other than the Herald of Everblight, pLylyth.  Here's what we're working with.

Legion of Everblight

Hunting party (25 points)

Lylyth (+6)
Shredder x4 (8)
Carnivean (11)
Ravagore (10)
Shepherd (1)
Spell Martyr (1)

The list is basically the Battlegroup box with another heavy dragonspawn and a couple of solos.  The central tactic of focus fire is still at play here, but with the inclusion of the Ravagore and Shepherd there's a bit more flexibility.  


  • Speed and threat range:  In my last post the Convergence models in Syntherion's battlegroup were relatively slow at SPD 4-5.  Here, everything is a minimum SPD 6.  Along with Eyeless Sight and Pathfinder this means that the effective threat range of the warbeats is pretty substantial.  The enemy has nowhere to hide or run!  I'm expecting this list to do pretty good against Circle forces and other, slower armies such as Khador.


  • Fragile: Legion is the faction of glass cannons, and this list is no different.  With heavies that have fewer than 30 wounds, the warbeasts simply don't have staying power in prolonged melee combat.  This can be mitigated by the heavies with their two open fist weapons.  Opponents to watch out for are going to be those that run range heavy lists, namely Cygnar.  There's two Cygnar players in the group, and at least one runs a nasty eCaine list.

Potential changes

Battlegroup boxes are a great introduction to a faction, but need a few more purchases to complete a list.  One of the big gaps in the Legion box is that there's no light warbeast to compliment the force.  This means we have models that are very expensive (Carnivean & Ravagore) or very cheap (Shredder and Shepherd), which makes building a list difficult.  A light warbeast will go a long way in filling this gap, and I decided to go with a Nephilim Protector.  It's a great defensive unit that can secure vulnerable charge lanes with its animus and it can take a shot for Lylyth if need be.  The Protector can easily be put in the list replacing three shredders, leaving a point open for a second Shepherd or Spell Martyr.  
Or I can switch out Lylyth for another warlock.  Find out who next time!

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