
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Privateer press has made a fool of me (again).

As of late I have been assembling a unit of Obstructors to get a feel for the 30mm infantry models in the Convergence/WMH.  So far I'm a fan.  With the pegs present on the legs and torsos, it's easy to rotate parts and create multiple, dynamic poses beyond what's on the display box.

Painting infantry is incredibly tedious, but seeing other hobbyist's work is inspiring me to get my butt into gear.  This unit was done by Ridmasta over at Fanplastic Little Men

Still, as with most PP models, there was a moment of weirdness.

The side holes in the Obstructor torso come in two sizes.  At first I thought this was simply due to poor casting since there is quite a bit of flash on these models.  But then, when you look at the arms themselves, the ball joints come in the aforementioned sizes.  By the time I realized this, I already fitted some small pegs into large holes.  This leaves large pegs for small holes.  The workaround for this is simple; I just clip off the peg and pin the whole thing (or if I'm feeling lazy just let the glue do its work).  Still, this extra step could have been avoided if only PP put instructions in their kits.  I've had the same problem with Syntherion, where I accidentally assembled the model without two small bits that go under the arms.  The bits add so little to the final model I didn't realize my mistake until months after the fact!

I'm pretty much at a loss here.  I'm a college educated guy on his way to getting a PhD, yet assembling plastic models from PP is a humbling experience.  I once heard that the best artists incorporate their mistakes into the final piece.  I guess I'll have to follow suit and make the most out of these models!

On a separate note, the Corollary I'm painting is coming along fine, though the energy spots need to be redone.  Between trying to drybrush and do my usual layering, the details that make the model pop have become really muddy.  I guess I'll just go over it in red again and start from the top with my usual layering.  It'll be really slow, but at least it'll give me the results I want.

Before bronze was added, but the finished product will hit the table top soon!
I'm hoping to have it done by this weekend, so that it's ready for Arch's Indy bash.  In addition to the Optifex and Axis, it'd be nice to have something else to show off!

Until next time, let me know if there a madness to PP's method!

Listening--Iron Reagan, "Four More Years"
Painting--Corollary (duh), Reapers Bones Druid model
Playing--Risk of Rain

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